Welcome to bayarea45’s.com. The main objective of this website is to accurately document as many 45 rpm records as possible that were released in and around the San Francisco Bay Area and surrounding area (up to 100 miles). View 1000’s of 45’s listed both by record label and individually and many with label images and the key time period is the 1950’s-1980’s regardless of the musical style.


Please note that this site is for information/research purposes only and the records listed here are not for sale. If for research you do use any information from this website can I request that you do reference its source. For research purpose formats these include 7”, 10”, 12” and EP’s (in this case acknowledge some play at 33 rpm). This is an on-going project so do visit the website on a regular basis. For updates see the Update page.


Although every effort is made to ensure that all information is accurate, if you are aware of any corrections or updates please do contact me through the Contact Form  and would value this information to further assist in the development of this database and assist others as a research tool.